Studiomaster Tower 1216D


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HOTLINE liên hệ trực tiếp: 0908 152 685 

The unique Studiomaster Tower 1216D is the first portable column speaker system to include a fully fledged digital mixing system.
Based on the new Digilive 16RS digital mixer, the unit features 4th generation SHARC floating point processing, 24 bit/192 kHz AD/DA convertor, built-in programs ( DSP, reverb, delay, modulation and EQ and GEQ) 12 professional mic inputs and 4 line inputs, professional S/PDIF digital signal in/out connectors, 16 internal busses including 8 user-defined analogue smart outputs (2 for column and 6 for monitors and / or recording or submixing applications) plus AES/EBU output connectors, USB for playing / recording / scene saving and a wireless connection.
The user can control the full operation of the digital column speaker system via the built in 7” touchscreen or via the ios app, allowing a complete and simple set-up to be achieved from anywhere in your venue. The configuration of the column speakers can be chosen with any one of our configured set-ups. Whether it is one sub or two, or a choice of 6 x 3” or 8 x 2” ultra compact speaker arrays.
This is a high power versatile system, ideal for a performances where high quality and high power is required, and space and weight restrictions mean you need an ultra compact system.


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