Steinway & Sons X-261

Description: In-wall, in-ceiling speaker
Frequency response: 80 – 22k Hz
Max SPL @ 1m: 120 dB
Amplification needed: 1 channel
Dimensions (H x W x D): 57.0 x 31.0 x 9.5 cm / 22.4 x 12.2 x 3.7 in
Weight: 11.3 kg / 24.9 lbs
Finish: Matte black

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HOTLINE liên hệ trực tiếp: 0908 152 685 

Steinway Lyngdorf commits to a new level of support for the Digital Cinema Initiative (DCI) with a collection of speakers designed for the ultimate Hollywood cinema and large format screening rooms. The X speakers are made specifically for both private and commercial projects that demand the highest possible performance. Designed for dedicated in-wall use, the X speakers are based on the already high-performing In-Wall Series but offer a more powerful level of performance.

The Xtreme versions
The Steinway & Sons X-261 speaker is the extreme version of the successful IW-26V speaker, redesigned and utilizing the more powerful air motion transformer (AMT) from the flagship Model D speaker. This gives the speaker an additional 4dB more peak output, for a total of 120dB with 93.5 dB sensitivity. The speaker is optimal as surround speaker in larger rooms.


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